Directions for E-books and Digital Audiobooks at BHS Library

For your login:

Username: library/lunch/student ID number

Password: library/lunch/student ID number (same number for both)

 If that doesn’t work, check in at the BHS library. You can try Destiny Discover by using the guest account (guest and bobcats).

At School:

On a computer

  1. Go to
  2. Under Select a School, go to BHS.
  3. Under Departments, go to BHS Library.
  4. Underneath Home, click on View Website.
  5. Click on Destiny, then Brookings High School.
  6. Click on Destiny Discover (left side)
  7. Login using your username and password, or try the guest account: guest and bobcats (limited access).


At home:

This will work from any device with an internet connection: a laptop, a desktop computer, an iPad, a cell phone and a reader, such as Kindle Fire .

  1. Download the app for Destiny Discover (Follett School Solutions).

  2. Start typing in Brookings High School under your school and it should fill in for you.

  3. Click on Login. Login with your username and password--use your barcode/lunch number for both.

  4. You can search for e-books and audio books to check out and download.